Saturday, December 31, 2011

Online Pregnancy and childbirth classes - Pregnancy and Childbirth Secrets - video #2

Pregnancy and childbirth classes: Enroll at for free webinar. Curious about how to avoid the top 3 mistakes 1st-time moms make that keep them worried and scared about their due date? The 2nd of a 4-part video series covers 1:08 Pregnancy Secret #3 Revealed 2:16 Pregnancy and Childbirth Tips 3:28 Yoga for Pregnancy 4:18 Pilates for Pregnancy 4:43 Easy Pregnancy Exercises 6:10 Pregnancy Exercises to do at Home

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Prenatal Yoga #1 - 25 min

This gentle prenatal yoga class uses yoga poses perfect for pregnancy and will help you relax, stretch all the muscles in your body, deeply connect with your baby, and will help you prepare both mentally and physically for labor. Yoga has proven to be extremely beneficial for woman during pregnancy and this class is the perfect way to take a prenatal yoga class in the comfort of your home, at a time that is convenient for you. This class was designed by expert instructor, Liza Janda, and is can be done during any trimester of pregnancy.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Perfectly Prepared Prenatal Class (5 Dvds 4 Audio Cds) Childbirth Education DVD with Yoga, Relaxation, Learn about Labor and Delivery, Breathing Techniques, Post Partum Recovery, Birth Options, Pain Management, Toning, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Postpartum Weight Loss, Natural Child Birth Video

!±8±Perfectly Prepared Prenatal Class (5 Dvds 4 Audio Cds) Childbirth Education DVD with Yoga, Relaxation, Learn about Labor and Delivery, Breathing Techniques, Post Partum Recovery, Birth Options, Pain Management, Toning, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Postpartum Weight Loss, Natural Child Birth Video

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Post Date : Dec 19, 2011 23:37:23

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Perfectly Prepared Prenatal Class (5 Dvds 4 Audio Cds) Childbirth Education DVD with Yoga, Relaxation, Learn about Labor and Delivery, Breathing Techniques, Post Partum Recovery, Birth Options, Pain Management, Toning, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Postpartum Weight Loss, Natural Child Birth Video

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Post Date : Dec 16, 2011 17:51:04

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Panic Attack During Pregnancy

!±8± Panic Attack During Pregnancy

Even if you've never had a panic attack before, you may have them during pregnancy. That doesn't mean you will have panic attacks, just that you shouldn't be terribly surprised if you do.

When you become pregnant, the physical, chemical and hormonal changes that take place have an affect upon every part of your being. Your chemicals are hip-hopping, your hormones are slam dancing, and you glucose levels are spiking and plummeting. You may be cheerful and optimistic one minute, and feel completely overwhelmed the next. But what's worst is when fear and anxiety prey upon your mind and gnaw at your nerves until you can't get enough air, your body is trembling, you're sweating profusely and you think you're going crazy!

You may have an unfounded fear of miscarriage, or being a bad parent, feelings of inadequacy or fear of the pain of childbirth, or even that you won't survive the birth of your child. This isn't uncommon. It's a panic attack, and no matter how overwhelming your fear and anxiety, you don't have to have panic attacks and you can stop them!

Pregnant or not, many people have anxiety and panic attacks. So, you aren't alone, and you're not crazy or weak. It truly isn't your fault that you have them. However, you can learn to control them so they don't take over your mind or your body.

Anxiety and fear can be so debilitating that one feels paralyzed and afraid to leave the house for fear of having an attack in public. With all the other things pregnant women have to cope with, they certainly don't need the additional complication of having panic attacks!

If you're attending Lamaze or other natural birthing classes, you already know the positive impact using correct breathing methods has on your body during the labor and delivery process. This also applies to controlling panic attacks. By practicing deep breathing techniques and calming exercises, such as visualization, you can learn to cut those feelings of panic and anxiety off and not allow them to take control.

When you first feel fearful or anxious, take a deep breath, drawn in slowly through your nose, all the way into your tummy. Hold it for a count of five, and then slowly exhale through your mouth, being sure to fully expel all the air. Repeat. As you breathe, you need to distract your mind from the feelings of panic. You can do this by counting out loud, singing, taking a walk and focusing your attention on the birds, trees, squirrels, clouds or even on the cracks in the sidewalk! You can call a friend or family member and talk about anything but the anxiety, and if you can laugh, all the better, because laughter is one of the quickest and most fun ways to release tension and anxiety.

Don't keep your fears and anxieties hidden. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your doctor should know that you're experiencing panic attacks. And so should your family and friends! They may brush it off with "Aw, that's all in your head!" Well, yes, it is, but that doesn't change the fact that you actually feel what you feel! Throw a brochure about panic attacks at them, and insist they read it! That'll fix them!

In the meantime, you breathe! Practice breathing deeply even when you're perfectly calm and content, and this will also help prevent panic attacks. Deep breathing keeps you relaxed and improves your blood circulation. So, you can nip panic attacks before they even begin to bud!

Panic Attack During Pregnancy

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

What Are the Stages of Pregnancy After the Signs of Conception?

!±8± What Are the Stages of Pregnancy After the Signs of Conception?

Once the signs of conception begin to materialize, it is important that the soon to be parents become familiar with the process of the next 9 months. Having this knowledge is important so that fears can be quelled, emotions can be controlled, and the process can be understood leading to a healthy and happy pregnancy.

The pregnancy stages begin the moment the egg in the woman is fertilized by the sperm. This miracle is referred to as conception. The stages are made up of 40 weeks and begin the first day of the last period. The stages are broken down into three sections known as trimesters. During each trimester, both the woman and the baby go through developmental phases until the baby is born. The following is a breakdown of each trimester and what is going on with the baby and the mother:

First Trimester - Week one to twelve

Change, change, change. During the first trimester, the woman will be going through all types of hormonal, emotional, and physical changes. The early signs of conception will begin to show and for many, the first trimester is the worse time during the pregnancy. Some of the pregnancy signs are:

• Lack of energy. Feeling tired most of the time.

• Tenderness or pain in the breasts.

• "Morning" sickness. However, the nausea can be felt at any time during the day.

• Strange and unexplainable food cravings.

• Weight gain.

• And many, many more.

During the first trimester, the baby will develop very rapidly and will have many of his/her vital organs needed to survive. The transition from embryo t fetus will be complete and the baby will now be receiving it's nutrients from the placenta.

Second Trimester - Week thirteen to twenty-eight

By now, the woman has learned to deal with the symptoms that may have initially overwhelmed her during the first trimester. Some of the more uncomfortable symptoms begin to ease off just in time for new symptoms. Some of the second trimester symptoms are:

• Increase in back pain.

• Darkening of the areola (nipples).

• Stretch marks around the belly, legs, and breasts.

• Swollen ankles.

During the second trimester, the baby's reproductive organs form making it easier to determine the sex of the baby. The kidneys begin to work and the baby can begin to pass a small amount of urine. Now is a good time to break out the Mozart as the baby can now begin to hear noises from the outside.

Third Trimester - Week twenty-nine to forty

During this stage, the woman, especially first time mothers, begin to worry about the actual labor and delivery process. For some, the uncertainty can lead to emotional stressors. Enrolling in Lamaze classes can help reduce some of those stressors by teaching the woman exactly what will happen during labor. This knowledge will eliminate the unknown factor. Some third trimester symptoms are:

• Increase trips to the bathroom to urinate.

• Heartburn and constipation.

• Fullness of the breasts as they prepare for breast feeding.

• Difficulty sleeping due to your size.

• Widening of the hips in preparation for delivery.

During the third trimester, the baby will begin to grow hair and develop their fingernails. Their eyes begin to open and close and teeth will begin in grow under the gums. The baby will begin to position itself for the final journey down the birth canal. Ideally, the baby's head should be facing down and towards the rear of the woman for an easier transition from womb to world.

Once the woman's water breaks, whether naturally or by the doctor, the various stages of labor will begin.

Every woman reacts differently during this time and it is the responsibility of her partner to be understanding and attentive to her needs. All of the preparation, all of the uncomfortable signs of conception and all of the pregnancy symptoms, will be forgotten the moment your son or daughter begins to wail and is placed in the mothers arms. There is no better feeling in the world.

What Are the Stages of Pregnancy After the Signs of Conception?

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